by Charleene O’Connor..

There’s a lot more to posture than just sitting up straight. Our bodies contain twelve organ systems, and each one is subject to stimulation, reaction, and response from poor posture. If our major muscle groups are not engaged because we’ve been sitting or slouching for extended periods, it’s going to affect all of our organ systems—especially the metabolic process.

Metabolism, as you may know, is the way the body provides fuel to its cells. Muscles play an important role in almost everything we do, but one of the most important muscular functions is being a major metabolic consumer. If our deep stabilizing muscles–the ones closest to the bones and joints–disengage, our metabolism will slow down. Our bodies sense there are fewer cellular mouths to feed, and then reduces the feeding. Our other organ systems subsequently lose the benefit of a revved up, efficient, fully functional metabolism. The net effect is that the energy we need to carry out basic functions, usually fueled by the metabolic process, is no longer abundant. So, poor posture actually reduces energy and puts a strain on every organ in the body, plus the roughly 75 trillion metabolically dependent individual cells!

Fortunately, the opposite is also true. Yes, better posture and better musculoskeletal function will lead to an active, healthy metabolism, improved energy, better strength and balance, increased resilience, a pumped up immune system, enhanced athletic performance and a heightened sex drive, among other benefits. Sounds good? And perhaps the greatest benefit from better posture: reduced stress levels.