By Barb Ehlers

There are many required essential nutrients. These nutrients are called essential because we must obtain them through actual foods. Whenever we embark on a restricted diet, our intake of certain essential nutrients needs close monitoring to make sure we’re getting enough. One of the vitamin groups I emphasize to my vegan/vegetarian athletes, for example, are the B vitamins. B vitamins–Folate, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12–play a key role in helping the body build new proteins. Folate in particular plays a key role in rebuilding our DNA, and has been shown to decrease the risk of certain types of cancers. B12 is crucial for a well-functioning brain, nervous system, blood cells, and boosting energy. Instead of grabbing another cup of coffee, I always consume a B12-rich product first, like Kombucha tea, which usually wakes me right up!

Vitamin B12 is found in meat, dairy & eggs, so for vegans, this vitamin must be supplemented. There are experiments underway at Cornell University growing vegetables in soil fortified with B12, which may be a future solution for vegans. Before these B-rich vegetables are available, some great sources of B12 are nutritional yeast, marmite and Kombucha (fermented tea). Marmite is powerful. I recommend spreading some on a piece of whole grain sourdough bread, mashing on a 1/4 of a ripe avocado, then sprinkling with chili flakes, sesame seeds and salt for a breakfast alternative or snack. You could also sprinkle nutritional yeast onto freshly made popcorn, add some in stews and soups as a thickener, or follow this recipe I recently posted on my blog:

Folate is often included in fortified cereals, bread, and in whole foods like black-eyed peas and lentils. Spinach and avocados contain folate, as well as B6. B6 can be consumed in sunflower seeds, pistachios, sweet potatoes & bananas. Be sure to include at least a couple of the foods I’ve recommended daily if you’re attempting a restricted diet to stay energetic & healthy!