“Water is a critical element of the body, and keeping the body adequately hydrated is a must to allow the body to function.” – Melissa Stöppler, MD, on MedecineNet

As most of us know from junior-high school biology, our bodies are made up of mostly water. So, knowing how much water we need to drink to stay properly hydrated can seem confusing. If we have so much water in our bodies, then why do we have to keep replenishing it?

The answer, in part, lies in the fact that our bodies use water on a cellular level. That means that every ounce of tissue, every muscle, every organ—basically almost everything in us—is composed on the most basic level by water. As our bodies are always changing and evolving (or the opposite), our hydration levels can vary greatly.  Here are some of the key ways we are constantly losing water :

• Breath! Humidified air leaves your body every time you exhale.

• Sweat—especially when you exercise.

• Eliminating waste.

So, if we’re losing water all the time from basic body functions, common sense tells us we have to constantly replenish. Here are some basic daily water requirement levels. Since most adults weigh between 100 and 250 pounds, these standards from MedecineNet should give you a good general idea on how much water to drink daily:

• If you weigh 100 pounds – 50 ounces minimum, a quart and a half a day

• If you weigh 150 pounds – 65 ounces minimum,  2 quarts daily

• If you weigh 200 pounds – 70 ounces minimum, over half a gallon a day

• If you weigh 250 pounds – 75+ ounces minimum

And so on. Keep in mind these are minimum daily requirements. And if you add in other factors like exercise, sickness, dehydration from diuretics such as coffee and tea, we all definitely have some hydrating to do. On more factor: winter air is dryer air, so it probably makes sense to kick up your hydration this winter. If you have additional questions, email us at info@www.nimblefitness.com, or find us on Facebook.