After a lot of research, I found a cleanse I’m ready to try. It’s from a company called Blessed Herbs. The funny thing is that I didn’t find this one on-line. Blessed Herbs never came up in any of my Google searches. This cleanse was recommended to me by a few friends who had actually done it themselves. I was having trouble deciding which cleanse to try because all I kept finding was crap. I went to the and within 2 minutes I was sold. They have pictures of customers and the crap (literally) that was flushed out of their system.  Besides the funny testimonial, the information on the site came across as genuine and very knowledgeable. Their products are all-natural, and claim to be gentle on the body, which makes sense to me.  On top  of that, their ingredients are certified organic. Now, I don’t want to hype up this company too much. I have no idea if their stuff is going to make me sick or what, but they did give me a good first impression.  That’s  important.  Let’s see what happens.

I received my package and read the directions. This is how it’s going down…
no-eatingI start with 3 days of pre-cleansing, where I cut out meats, dairy, fried food and …caffeine. (Ugh!). In addition, I’ll need to reduce the amount of food I eat each day so by the third day I’m eating hardly anything. (This is going to hurt). I will also be taking these pills which are supposed to help me poop regularly. They say I need at least 3 good bowel movements per day before I start the actual cleanse. I have to figure out how many pills I need to take every night to have my 3 regular bowel movements. Lucky for me I’m already pretty regular because these pills are big and not easy to swallow. After the pre-cleanse I will be on a strict liquid diet for 5 days. Every three hours I must drink a mix of apple juice and a packet of the “blessed herbs.” This will be all I am allowed to consume for those 5 days. I also need to drink lots of water and continue to take “my number” of poop, pills.

Ok, seriously …what the heck have I gotten myself into?  Don’t forget to come back for Part IV, where this “Cleanse Adventure” truly begins.

…follow the entire adventure here.